Aplikasi Black Survival APK Mod: Sobat TeknoHits’ Ultimate Guide

Sobat TeknoHits, are you a fan of the popular mobile game Black Survival? Look no further because we have the ultimate guide for you! In this article, we will be discussing the benefits of using Black Survival APK mod and how to properly install and use it. Let’s dive in!

What is Black Survival?

Black Survival is a mobile game that is gaining popularity throughout Indonesia. Players are immersed in a virtual island where they have to collect weapons, food, and other resources to survive against other players. The game has different characters and levels, each with its own challenges and obstacles.

What is Black Survival APK Mod?

Black Survival APK mod is a modified version of the original Black Survival app. With this mod, players can enjoy the game without the usual restrictions, such as limited resources, limited characters, and limited levels. APK mod also allows players to get unlimited in-game currency (BP) without spending real money on it.

How to Install Black Survival APK Mod?

Before installing Black Survival APK mod, you must ensure that your device has enough storage space and that the required settings have been enabled. Here is a step-by-step guide to install Black Survival APK mod:

Step 1Download the APK file from a reliable source.
Step 2Go to your device’s settings and enable the installation of apps from unknown sources.
Step 3Open the downloaded APK file and click on “install”.
Step 4Wait for the installation to complete.
Step 5Open the Black Survival game and enjoy your unlimited resources!

Benefits of Using Black Survival APK Mod

Using Black Survival APK mod has several benefits:

1. Unlimited Resources

With unlimited resources, players can explore the island without worrying about running out of food, weapons, and other necessities. This makes the game more enjoyable and less frustrating.

2. Unlock Characters and Levels

With APK mod, players can unlock characters and levels that are not available in the original game. This adds more excitement and variety to the game.

3. Save Money

Without the need to purchase in-game currency, players can save money and still enjoy the game to its fullest.


Q: Is using Black Survival APK mod legal?

A: No, using APK mod is not legal and does violate the game’s terms of service. However, many players still use it for the benefits it provides.

Q: Is APK mod safe?

A: Downloading APK files from unknown sources can be risky, as they may contain viruses or malware. Always make sure to download from a reliable source and have an updated antivirus app on your device.

Q: Will my account get banned for using APK mod?

A: There is a risk of getting banned for using APK mod since it is against the game’s terms of service. However, if done correctly, the risk can be minimized.


Sobat TeknoHits, we hope this guide was helpful in understanding the benefits of using Black Survival APK mod and how to properly install it. Remember to always use it at your own risk and play responsibly. Happy gaming!